Again, today was a usual, regular ol' day. Nothing out the ordinary. I won't bore you with the never-changing details. Although I will say - I got an A+ and a B on my Spanish quiz! :) And we won our game against the undefeated Jennings team 30-20. 6-0!
It's venting time.
Evolution. A topic that may make you cringe. I absolutly hate learning about that evolution crap. In science class we watch so many movies on "The Origins of Life". How can anyone every believe that nonsense! Of course, I've grown up my whole life knowing that IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH, so I have just always known better. But the movies are even somewhat humorous. Example: A couple weeks ago we watched a movie my teacher downloading off the internet all about our ancient relatives. They had this guy dressed up as, what looked like,Big Foot running around NYC acting like, well, an animal! And I find it very offensive when people tell me I used to look like a monkey.
It's sad to sit in class watching these movies, and seeing all of my classmates watching it and believing it! And there's not really anything I can do about it.
People are curious and need hard proof to believe anything. I mean, if a scientist has a hypothesis for how we ever came into exsistence, he always has "hard evidence" to back it up. Well, I have hard evidence for ya -- READ THE BIBLE, BUDDY!
According to Prentic Hall, McMillian McGraw Hill, and all those other school textbooks, Earth used to look like Venus. I mean, they were created out of the same nova! :-\ Hot. Lots of lava. Fire. Volcanos. No life. Then out of nowhere, a meteor struck the planet bringing bacteria which eventually mutated into humans. (Oh, and the remnants conjoined to create the moon). These thingys learned how to stand on their two hind legs, control fire, and blah blah blah. And our future is destined to be Mars. Dry. No life. Nada.
Accoring to the Bible, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God" (God=Word) God never had any type of beginning. He was always here! Even though it's hard to comprehend, it's true. And By word of mouth, God made everything, from the day and night, the oceans, trees, stars, animals (and the chicken came first, by the way). And on the 6th day, he created God in the image of himself, people! And he made man and woman (better known as Adam and Eve).
Now I know you might be thinking, "I don't believe that, it's too magicy". Well, it's also true! Read Genesis Chapter 1! Lots of good stuff in there. :)
And my final point is: don't believe everything you hear. Some people are just ignorant. Believe God's Word, and you'll be on the right track :)